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6 Reasons Why is Water Important
We all know we should drink water and stay hydrated. But many of us don't know the specific reasons why water is important to the body. Here are 6 good reasons why:

It is necessary for removing toxic waste.
The body has to get rid of toxic waste to function properly. Also, the primary ways to do so involve excreting water. These processes include the following:


If you disrupt any means for the body to discard toxic waste, it is no longer a question of if you will have a health problem. Instead, the question will become when and what type of health problem you will have. So, disrupting three of them over the long term will be disastrous for your health.

Water helps to regulate body temperature.
Water helps to keep you cool during high temperatures and intense physical activity. This is no surprise because sweating prevents your body from overheating.

Most chemical reactions in the body take place in a fluid environment.
In most chemical reactions in the body, the reagents are either dissolved or suspended in water. So, a shortage of water could disrupt many life-giving processes.

The body needs water to transport nutrients.
We know that blood is the primary transporter of nutrients throughout the body. We also know that blood consists mainly of water. We even need water to get nutrients from food into the blood. In fact, whenever you eat, your body will make the food as liquid as possible. Your body can only absorb nutrients that it dissolves or suspends in fluids.

The body needs water to access energy.
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) supplies the energy for muscles to contract. The muscles access this energy by using water to break apart the ATP molecules. So, water is one of the reagents in the chemical reactions needed for muscle contractions. These include muscle contraction in the heart, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Water keeps joints lubricated.
Our bodies have many moving parts, including limbs connected by joints. We know that moving parts need to stay lubricated to improve efficiency and minimize wear and tear. It is no surprise that water is a major component in the synovial fluid that lubricates our joints.

These functions are by no means all-inclusive. In fact, the uses of water are too many to name in this article. It is no surprise that being 2% dehydrated will degrade our performance, and being 15% dehydrated can be lethal.

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